The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Sunday, 10 July 2011

John Yates - Corrupted Former Brixton Scotland Yard Terror Police, Accused of Having Sickening Long-Term Sex-Affair With Rebekah Brooks - CE of Paper That Carried Out Torture, Anti-Black English Genocide, iIlegal Telephone & E-Mail Tapping and Surveillance.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Sack Him!
John Yates
 - Mad Craven Corrupted Assistant Commissioner - Corrupted Police investigating corrupted police. Yates is in charge of Counter-terrorism and Parliamentary Territorial Support Group and racist, anti-Black stop n search, secret dossiers and SOCA police policy .
It should also be noted that he is a former Brixton police officer who has recently been revealed to have had  a sick sexual relationship with  with female criminal Rebekah Brooks - former News of the World Editor directly involved in making illegal police payments (bungs), secret dossiers and illegal telephone taps. News International's  Chief Executive (a British subsidiary of the American company) Rebekah Brooks - muse of f News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch ties into the Daily Mail & Telegraph Editors. 'Sir ' Paul Stevenson - corrupted Met police Commissioner is this man's boss.

Sack Her!
 Said to have sex With John Yates above.
Honey-pot Rebekah Brooks - Racist, anti-Black Friend of  both Tony Blair, and David Cameron.
Accused of having a long-term perverted conspiratorial sexual relationship with corrupted police officer Scotland Yard Assistant John Yates. Both fabricated and promoted false dossiers and stories in the press to sell scandalous sex-driven stories.
These animals, (in combination with MI5, MI6, SIS, SO16, etc),  could not find any "actionable information" on me, and therefore, they were reduced to making up and conspiring in a joint criminal enterprise to created a "sexed-up" lied-filled 'Dodgy dossier' on me. The Aim and Purpose -  to cause my failure in the Positive security vetting procedures.

They literally had nothing on me. Hence the systematic carrying out of crimes against humanity of the Black Community.

In this crucial regard, let us not forget former Brixton lesbian police officer Cressida Dick (See police murder of innocent Jean Charles de Menezes) . 
She is now Scotland Yard's first lesbian Assistant Commissioner - in charge of its Special Crimes Directorate with jointly in control of the Territorial Support Group (SPG's).

Former borough commander - sadistic, drug-fuelled, homosexual - Brian Paddick, oversaw, the highest levels of Black 'Stop and Searches', 'Black Deaths in Custody' and 'Secret Domestic Renditions' and disappearances into Southwark & Lambeth-based 'Black sites' for medical experimentation by psychiatrists and  neuroscientists. These criminal activities are (globally and statistically) the highest on record. And yet has been taken on by the racist flaggid Lib Dems to run as their London Mayoral candidate. 

We must also question the actions of Metropolitian Police Authority (MPA) Chairwoman - Catherine Crawford for her lack of action and response to police corruption and bungs being given to police officers in carrier bags.

Lastly, the corrupt Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) - Chaired by racist, anti-Black Jew Deborah Glass. This organisation totally ignored complaints from the public of police corruption and illegal payments. This included complaints of Brixton police being paid off by certain drugs lords, and Brixton police Station, inspectors and borough commanders being 'bought' drugs barons. The IPCC is a police organisation filled with former police officers. Therefore corrupt police are (yet again) investigating corrupted police.

Meanwhile whistleblowers were targeted for harassment by the police and their mates in, Lambeth County Court, as well as Camberwell , City of London and Westminster Magistrates' Courts

The corruption included those running Brixton Challenge (i.e. Bernadette Marjoram, Ashford Francis, Maxine James, etc), Lambeth's Chief Executive Derek Anderson, the senior management teams (ALL the Executive Directors) of Lambeth  &  Southwark councils, as well as council leaders such as Steve Reed (with his main side-kick Jackie Meldrum).

ALL political party leaders turned a blind eye to the activities of these people because they thought it politically expedient.

E.g. catamite 'Sir' Keith Hill and Lambeth's Labour party cultivated "Britain's Barack Obama" by eliminating creating false information on ALL Black-West-Indian potential MP's for Brixton. Then they were systematically targeted, infiltrated and smeared. This with the full support of parliament and ALL the political parties.

Let us be clear, it is not just the News of the World who have been paying off corrupted police for the inside line. Local newspapers like the South London Press have been paying bungs to police and local politicians for stories for decades.

Therefore local people were excluded from political and civil participation and so had no influence in deciding who they would be represented by.

Hence the widespread infiltration of corruption. 

The Corrupted - The QueenPrince CharlesPrince PhilipPrince HarryPrince WilliamPrincess Anne; head of the freemasons - the Duke of KentRupert MurdochRebekah Brooks, senior white extremist police officers based in Scotland Yard, the Prime Minister,  ALL party leaders, JudgesMagistratesPermanent SecretariesParliamentary Secretaries, and even parliamentary staff and, drugs-lords and other criminals, are the decision-makers who decide on who should be elected n parliament. 

The ordinary man and woman, has absolutely no say in the matter. This hacking scandal goes far, far beyond what the politicians are telling the public. 

The public have now learnt the ropes. They are no more than cattle fodder in a sick game where the newspapers 'propaganderised' the delusion that we live in a democracy. 

So now we know, that it is ALL a pack of lies!

So, instead of the innocent victims (whistleblowers) within this perverse game being defamed, threatened or intimidated as 'mad', or even subjected to the ultimate reputational put down, of being  stigmatised as "schizophrenic", perhaps the public will be respected as mature adults capable of making mature decisions about their own lives. I'm with Rebekah Brooks on this one - This hacking and secret surveillance case is just the tip of the ice-berg. Closing down the News of the World will not help.

Take it from me, a living victim of the system, once you have been both the 'data subject' and affected by of this horrendous process of Criminalisation and medicalisation of Blackness, there is no turning back.

To be unwittingly put in a position where you are "groomed" into being made into 'the scandal' is unforgivable. 
For these so-called educated "establishment" fools to presume to ruin my life for their own self-aggrandisement and self-promotion (see two jack-asses Prince William and his idiot wife Catherine), is something that I for one, intend to deal with. No title, no position, no name, no status... nothing will stop this truck coming. 

I won't be making the classic Shylock mistake of asking for a pound  flesh. I want (and will get) much, much more!

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