The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Monday, 25 July 2011

Illegal Telephone Hacking Inquiry Judge - Jewish Lord Justice Leveson - Meets Murdoch Son-in-Law - Fellow Jew PR Man Matthew Freud to Discuss Inquiry and Court Sentencing - Public Demands His Removal Because of Conflict of Interest & Resignation of PM David Cameron.

Lord Justice Leveson
Corrupted - direct conflict of interest.
Appointed by Stupid PM David Cameron.
Leveson - Chair of Illegal Telephone Hacking inquiry has been discovered to have had three dinners at Fellow Jew
, PR man
 Matthew Freud's 

 Chipping Norton & London homes - to discuss scope of Inquiry
and Court sentencing of criminals. 

By coincidence, Leveson is also the Chair of the Court Sentencing Council  
which decides on the sentences for those convicted.

Did they collude and conspire a cover-up, so that
the Murdoch Gang could escape justice and avoid being convicted if inquiry came out negative?

The Public now want to know whether Lord Justice Leveson is a Freemason, even though fellow jew, Jack Straw arranged for Judges (at the European Court of Human Rights) to win the right NOT to declare (or not to be legally  obliged to declare) their Freemason or secret society memberships and affliliations?

In regards to Lord Justice Leveson's key role in deciding on sentencing, lets not forget, that this man, and his racist colleagues are central to Britain having a 98% convictions rate of Black people  through British courts. This means that this organisation (the Court Sentencing Council-Board) is one of the most racist organisations in the world.

This means that every Black person who stands in the courts, be it Magistrates, County, Crown or High Court, will necessarily be guaranteed at least two criminal convictions during their lives. The Black person's innocence is irrelevant. 

Surely, this fact, in and of itself, would required a public inquiry to seek out the who and why of this travesty of justice.

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