The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Local Mentally Sick Nottingham Police Inspector Happily Raped 13 Year Old Girl and Gang-Raped Other Children For Kicks!

Child Gang-Rape carried out at Newark Police Station, Nottinghamshire.
Police Inspectors turned a blind eye whilst children were being gang-raped and sexually assaulted by police officers in dark police stairwells, and station holding cells. How did Inspector Russell Dews Get away with raping a 13-year-old child? How many other police officers are there involved in raping children & women at this station?
Mentally perverted Police Inspector Russell Dews,  aged 44-years-old, and based in local Nottinghamshire, Newark police station was recently arrested for  systematically raping and sexually assaulting a 13 year-old girl whilst on duty.

Dews, who was also attached to Mansfield police station, brought the girl to the police station many times, where he repeatedly raped the girl in the cells.

When asked, Inspector Dews, explained his actions, by saying that the girl was his "girlfriend" who he believed "looked grown up in her school uniform"

When asked, he said he thought it was a 'perk' of the job, to bring the 13 year-old child to his station  for sex.

Dews, was eventually caught when he told fellow (honest) officers that the police station's dark stairwells were a "quiet" place where he could "have sex with her..." [i.e.the raped child] "...without being disturbed". 

Oddly, Police Inspector Dews indicated that 'bringing girls back' [to his police station] was a generally accepted practice by many police officers.

This case is even more terrifying, since this police inspector used his senior rank to show other officers how to misbehave. In other words police Inspector Dews 'led by example'.

Dews, who will be  appearing at Sheffield Magistrates Court this Monday (Monday 1 August 2011), has now been charged with two serious sexual offences, (including a charge of sexual assault against a child).

It is suspected that the beastial Inspector Dews has been sent to this court, in an attempt to avoid him 'linking up' with corrupted magistrate or judge friends who might see to it that he gets away with his crimes by 'arranging' for Dews aquittal.

The Public, who are already angry,  will be shocked to know, that it has additionally been revealed that Dews is being investigated for being involved in gang-raping many other children outside the station for well over five years.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Sick UK Judge Turns Paedophile Teacher Loose After Praising His 'Good Works'. Female Judge Tells Child-Abuser He Has Suffered and Had a Tough Time - So Must Go Free. Sex Beast Has 10,000 Images of Perverted Dangerous Men Having Sex With Babies and Young Children.

David Armstrong - Freed Paedophile.
Happy Child-rapist finds his freedom funny!

Judge Mary Jane Mowat 
Laughs at Victms of Child abuse and rape. This sick Judge Freed
& praised the 'Good Works' of child-molester David Armstrong (above).

Monday, 25 July 2011

Illegal Telephone Hacking Inquiry Judge - Jewish Lord Justice Leveson - Meets Murdoch Son-in-Law - Fellow Jew PR Man Matthew Freud to Discuss Inquiry and Court Sentencing - Public Demands His Removal Because of Conflict of Interest & Resignation of PM David Cameron.

Lord Justice Leveson
Corrupted - direct conflict of interest.
Appointed by Stupid PM David Cameron.
Leveson - Chair of Illegal Telephone Hacking inquiry has been discovered to have had three dinners at Fellow Jew
, PR man
 Matthew Freud's 

 Chipping Norton & London homes - to discuss scope of Inquiry
and Court sentencing of criminals. 

By coincidence, Leveson is also the Chair of the Court Sentencing Council  
which decides on the sentences for those convicted.

Did they collude and conspire a cover-up, so that
the Murdoch Gang could escape justice and avoid being convicted if inquiry came out negative?

The Public now want to know whether Lord Justice Leveson is a Freemason, even though fellow jew, Jack Straw arranged for Judges (at the European Court of Human Rights) to win the right NOT to declare (or not to be legally  obliged to declare) their Freemason or secret society memberships and affliliations?

In regards to Lord Justice Leveson's key role in deciding on sentencing, lets not forget, that this man, and his racist colleagues are central to Britain having a 98% convictions rate of Black people  through British courts. This means that this organisation (the Court Sentencing Council-Board) is one of the most racist organisations in the world.

This means that every Black person who stands in the courts, be it Magistrates, County, Crown or High Court, will necessarily be guaranteed at least two criminal convictions during their lives. The Black person's innocence is irrelevant. 

Surely, this fact, in and of itself, would required a public inquiry to seek out the who and why of this travesty of justice.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Chris Huhne & Wife Vicky Pryce False Driving Licence Points File to go to Prosecution Service for Trial.

Chris Huhne - in his car!
Sack,  Prosecute & Jail.
Climate Change telephoned son after police raid to tell him
his mother
will be going to Holloway prison.

Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne recently shocked the world and made a fool of Britain (yet again) when he told UN countries that if they did not agree with his personal energy policies, they would be compared to Hitler and the Nazis.

What he failed to tell them was that the recent corrupted top brass of Scotland Yard have left, after being threatened with dismissal after serious misconduct and mismanagement was exposed. These corrupted Met Police were his protectors from prosecution.

In the past, Chris Huhne, confidentially colluded with his former Director General wife, Vicky Pryce, enabling him to evade justice and walk scot-free to go on to become an MP and then a government minister without fear of a criminal conviction or being caught.

All this whilst was done to cover Huhne's back. By agreeing to take the penalty points on her driving licence, Pryce, deliberately obstructed and perverted the course of justice for and with Huhne.

In terms of Pryce, lets have a closer look at her. She goes by the name of Pryce, however, her actual real name is Vasiliki Courmouzis.

      "Vicky Pryce" 
 former wife of Corrupted Climate Change Secretary - Chris Huhne
former Director General going by a false name.
'Vicky's' real name is Vasiliki Courmouzis.

Ms Courmouzis, despite appearances, is Greek. Despite her best efforts to pass herself off as an English-woman, English born and bred, (something that she is not and never will be), Ms Courmouzis was born and bred in Greece, and came to Britain close to adulthood.

Which brings us onto questioning what developed vetting procedures were employed by the shady 'Sir' Gus O Donnell - Head of the British Civil Service. Many would argue that there would be questions to answer in terms of a deceptive character, where a senior civil servant would feel the strong need to deceive the public, her colleagues and staff with a false name. The 'anglifying' of her name should have thrown up warning signs immediately, in terms of her being a bad character, unsuitable for the role or status of Director General.

The second alarm bell should have gone off where she took the role of "Visiting professor". According to Met police counter-terrorism & TSG intelligence
"There is no such thing as a visiting professor!"

(N.B. If this is the stated security & Met Police official line, then no-one in England is ought to be able to hold such a title or role - other words, no such role or title exists).

Worringly, this would indicate that national security has been put at stake, since the Security Vetting process (DV) either failed or was not carried out where Ms Courmouzis and Mr Huhne are is concerned. This would mean that 'Sir' Gus O Donnell (who has final responsibility for this omission) is incompetent and slap-dash in his approach.

 But let us not be distracted, Ms Courmouzis only agreed to tell the police the truth of the couples perverting the course of justice when he dumped her and her 5 children , for a childless, bisexual 'lesbian' 15 years her junior.

Let us remember, that Mr Huhne and Ms Courmouzis deceived his first wife to continue a secret sexual affair for some years before they were discovered. It was only then, that they married. 

Therefore Ms Courmouzis it would appear, is petty in her emotional directions. Which leads us to ask, what else was Huhne and Courmouzis have to hide.

Has Huhne, been driving whilst being drunk? Has he caused harm to a member of the public, or even killed someone whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol? 

How many other times has Courmouzis covered up for her husband and deceived the public? 

In terms of these individuals be able to see and handle document of the most secure and serious nature, if they 'bluffed' their way into their jobs, they breached the Official Secrets Act, and should be prosecuted under that act. They should also be prosecuted for deception, misrepresentation, passing of, gaining criminal advantage, and Bribery.

Now both the Energy Secretary (Chris Huhne) and Ms Pryce, are in great danger of going to prison for their collusion and joint crime. It seems to me, that the transfer of penalty points to "Ms Pryce's" licence is the least of their problems.

Least we forget, the bad character of the man, Huhne recently telephoned his son Peter, in yet another craven bid to cover up his crimes. In that call, he cooly informed his son, that if he cooperated with the police investigation, and told the truth of what he knew, he would see to it that the boys mother, Ms Courmouzis, would be convicted and sent to Holloway women's prison. This has got to be the actions of a criminal who that can only be described, as deceptive, untrustworthy, self-interested and despicable. In plain English, a man who is a danger to the public.

It is to this man, that Ms Courmouzis  ( a woman, who, by certain accounts is supposed to be highly intelligent) conjoined to commit her manifold crimes. I believe, that there is no doubt, both individuals should be dealt with in the harshest fashion. They have deliberately hidden behind a cloak of decency and broken every concept of public trust and probity in the book.

As for 'Sir' Gus O Donnell and the incompetent Heads of MI5 & MI6, SIS, various parliamentary Committees, they all need to resign immediately, and be replaced by solid, sensible, respectfully intelligent people.

David Cameron -Tories Keep African Women As Sex-Slaves in International, Parliamentary and Tory HQ Sessions. Rumours Say a Cameron 'Friend' is Suspected of Flying an African Woman & Two Children to Foreign Hotels For Sordid Group Orgy Sessions. Conservatives 'Family' Policy Compromised By International People Traffiking Scandal.

David Cameron
Tory "Family Values"
African Prostitute  & Child Sex-Slave Abuse.
Today (Sunday 24 July 2011) we have discovered that David Cameron and the Tory party are embroiled in  African-sex-slave and child sex abuse scandal.

Public outrage is growing since the disturbing information has come to light, since Cameron has just recently returned from his African trip to Nigeria & South Africa.  The secret International Sex Sessions - where African woman are flown across the world - are allegedly arranged with the blessing of the PM.

Reports of the systematic rape of traffiked African women and child sexual slaves has forced the nervous-looking PM on the back foot, where he denies that he is responsible for Tory party behaviour.

However, Anti-traffiking and Slavery organisations have accused him of hypocrisy. They say that he is personally responsible for promoting extreme sexual perversions, modern day slavery and people traffiking.
To add to David Cameron's woes, it has recently been disclosed that several Conservative Party financial backers regularly fly their  
African Sex-Slaves to secret hotels across the world, directly from London.

The women (and some say, children), are then systematically sexually abused in  sickening group sex orgies and perverted torture 'play' sessions.

David Cameron's has been further embarrassed, when the press found out that one of his close personal  'friend's' is strongly involved in an African Child Prostitution and traffiking network.

The PM's 'friend', is said to have a personal African female sex slave on call 24 hours a day. The woman, who has two children with Cameron's 'friend', is paid to be "exclusive" to him, and to be ready to travel, (day or night), for her secret sex ordeals.

The PM's 'friend' telephones the woman personally, and gives her precise telephone instructions on how to get to the rendezvous.

He then flies the women and children for sickening group sex activities wherever he is in the world.

Oddly - David Cameron & the Tories are said to have set up covert fighting fund from which the
African women and children are be paid to keep silent.   

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Wendi Murdoch Thuggish Gangsta Bitch - Jointly Culpable With Her Decrepid Husband News Corps Rupert for Covering Up Blue-Eyed Boy James Murdoch's Lazy Incompetence.

Thuggish Wendi Murdoch 
Send Her to Jail.
Wendi is an international security risk.

Wendi Deng Murdoch (in pink hacket)
attacks assailant during husband Rupert Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee parliamentary appearance on Tuesday 19th July 2011.
Wendi has been hailed as a hero, but what kind of man would sit there and watch as his woman was forced to 'defend' him? - answer - A wizzened old man who allows his chinese wife to run his empire!

Rupert Murdoch - Jail Him!
Dangerous wizzened tired old man. His thuggish nurse-maid
 Wendi appears to have taken over her husband's empire - so she has
 plenty to lose. 

Friday, 22 July 2011

Norway Bombings - Freemason Culprits Must be Caught for These atrocious Acts.

Injured Oslo Woman bombing victim.
Friday 22 July 2011.

Terrorist Freemason 
Anders Behring Breivik 
Oslo Bomber 
could  pass as a
'harmless' or 'decent' man in any crowd.
Anders Behring Breivik
A Freemason.

Norway-Oslo Bomber and Mass Murderer seen above in his
 full High Degree Freemason regalia.
How are Extremist Freemasons  & Freemason Lodges involved in this massacre?

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Prince Andrew Resigns At Last From Trade Envoy Role. Disgraced Prince's Attachment to Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein Should Now Be Questioned.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Prince Andrew Resigns!
Disgraced Prince has announced today that he will resign as UK's Trade Envoy
About time too! Now more young women will be safer.

Jeffrey Epstein 
Friend of Prince Andrew.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Rupert & James Murdoch, Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks Should be Arrested and Jailed for Bribery and Illegal Hacking Crimes.

Put Rupert & James Murdoch in Prison!
Public upset Criminal Murdoch Pair given an easy time by soft British MPs.

Sean Hoare Dead Whistleblower - Became an alcoholic and junkie whilst pursuing stories on behalf of  Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks of The Sun and the News of the World. He told us that hacking and gaining illegal access to sensitive information was their stock-in-trade and 'normal' for them!

Andy Coulson 
Put him in Jail forever!
 Criminal - Culpable former editor at 'hacking' News of the World Criminal arrested at Lewisham police station.

Put 'er in Jail!
Rebekah Brooks
Arrested for Bribery and illegal  bribes and illegal tapping of phones and communication.

100 years Prison terms each for
Bribery & Advantages gained!
Main Culprits James Murdoch (on the left) and Rupert Murdoch (old man on right) did not fool the public by playing  innocent, 'outraged' or 'decent'.
They bought, paid and 'owned' politicians, police and elections. Stories were the least they bought for advantage. Some Select Committee members even admitted they (or their relatives) had or were still working for Murdoch! Therefore they would not have asked the necessary hard questions because of conflict of interest.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

'Sir' Paul Stephenson Employed Criminals & 15 News of the World "Work Experience" Journalists in His Scotland Yard Office To illegally Hack Victims Telephones. They were Also used to Keep Public under Illegal Surveillance & to Intercept Mail.

 Imprison him!Trader in Bribes & Advantage
'Sir' Paul Stephenson - disposed of Criminal Briber - Former Met Commissioner
 employed 15 illegal telephone and computer  News of the World young Journalist hackers at
 Scotland Yard
on "Work Experience"
This is clear evidence of trading in bribery .
He should get 10 years in the slammer!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Princes' William & Charles Royal Lawyers Harbottle & Lewis Connected to Corrupted, Anti-Black Genocidal Brixton Solicitors Who Promote the Criminalisation & Medical Experimentation of Lambeth's Black West-Indian Community. Former Racist Anti-Black Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) - Lord MacDonald, Gives Legal Advice that 'leaks' through to Criminal Bribe-taking Police.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.
The Three Idiot Stoodges.
(from left to right)
1. 'Sir Paul Stephenson - Criminal, Bribe-taking, illegal interception hacking Met Police Commissioner.
2. Andy Hayman -Criminal, bribe-taking, perverted sex-addict, expenses thief former terror police ( in the middle).
3. John Yates - Criminal Assistant Commissioner - received 'gifts' bribes from newspaper editors, etc.

These three racist senior bribe-taking Scotland Yard policemen, are part of a tight corrupted cabal at the top of the Met police force. They are the military wing of the politicians who pick, choose and refuse who can participate in politics.

They do the illegal checks on potential parliamentary candidates, and if they (the candidate) are not 'approved' in secret cabal meetings, the wheels turn and the person is targeted and defamed, then permanently eliminated through being labelled a criminal, mad, or a 'debtor'.

In poor areas, poor people are systematically 'banned' from representing their own people, by the police, local councillors, local doctors (who re-write medical records to make it look as if the candidate has 'serious mental or contagious' diseases) and council managers. By the time the person is 'dealt' with they are unemployed and unemployable, socially isolated, criminalised and even made to be suicidal. 

This is the reason why Gordon Brown knew about accessing medical records - ALL the political parties do it!

Racist Prince William - Copy-catting a man in a blue suit and  purple tie.
What does Prince William know about illegal telephone interceptions and selection of political candidates by      
Tony Blair, Ed Miliband, Dave Cameron and  Nick Clegg? How many Black people did he and Prince Charles veto?

So, unless, you are either sleeping with a connected political leader, or went to their school or worked at the same place as those from the Westminster village - be ready to experience a full-blown illegal 'probe' into your life.

Also be ready to be framed, intimidated, harassed, libeled, slandered (see Phil Woolas), criminalised, medicalised, run out of town and even killed, so that you don't and won't run as a political candidate.

After that, its a piece of cake!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Racists Scottish/Irish Catholic & Jews - Paul Dacre - Criminal Editor of Daily Mail and Corrupted Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson - Hack Phones, Computers and Hold Illegal 'Blacklist' Databases & Watchlists Info On ALL Black People in Brixton and Across the UK. Conspiratorial Criminality Done With the Blessing of Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative Political Parties.


Corrupted Head of Met Police - Racist 'Sir' Paul Stephenson - He and fellow criminal in uniform, Brixton policeman John Yates, Busy hacking away at  Black communities telephones (both land-lines & mobiles), computers and e-mails. All with the blessing of joint conspirators, British prime minster David Cameron, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, John Prescott, SIS, GCHQ, and parliamentary national security committees. Lets not forget the racist newspaper The Daily Mail and its racist editor and anti-Black journalists who see every Black person as 'yoofs' and drug-addled aggressive, violent criminals. In addition, remember the sadistic, mentally disordered homosexuals.

Dear readers and fans

Unless you have been locked in a cupboard or stuck on a remote island, you must be keeping up with the scandal around the British Met police, journalists, government ministers, MPs, parliamentary staff and Rupert Murdock hacking into the telephones of the public.

Yes, I know, they keep on speaking about the News of the World, and Rebekah Wade/Brooks, but take it from me, the other champion publication is the racist Irish/Scottish Daily Mail - edited by the latent homosexual Paul, Dacre.

It is because of these characters, that the UK's Black west-indian community are under the most horrendous forms of genocide in history. This makes the Nazi Holocaust look like a tea-party.

One of the main hidden characters in this game, is the insane irish racist white woman, Mary Robinson. She is a former Head of the UN's Human Rights Commission. This creature is behind promoting homosexuals, and the killing and elimination of Black West-Indians in Brixton.

This white racist bitch feels no way, to turn a blind eye whilst the bigots known as irish and scottish take over Brixton. In regards to Robinson, I don't think it is too much of a boast to call her mentally disordered in her world views.

This creature, has, alongside, some other tired old -timers, formed a group called "The Elders". This is a collection of individuals who should have been dead and buried years ago. However, they are fighting nature, and attemping to keep up and control what they perceive as "young people" - they are as old as that!

In Britain, there is no rule of law, the police are busy (Irish-style) framing Black people to the point of systematic criminalisation in combination with the medicalisation of  Black people.

Robinson, thinks that she is in Africa, where she is kowtowed to by her "good niggers" on the african continent. 

We (Black people and the sane) are up against such a high level of ignorance, that we are dealing with people who come from places where they used to walk around naked and bare foot in near-absolute poverty and stupidity.

Don't let Desmond Tutu, John Sentamu, Kofi Anna, or Jimmy Carter or Mary Robinson, Bill Clinton and the rest of them fool you, with their titles ,etc, these people come from nowhere and from nothing.

Therefore, they are some of the most dangerous people on the planet, because, despite appearances, they are hopeless and without love. They do not believe in human autonomy and they have no respect for mankind.

Indeed, they are so afraid of their own incompetence, that they will kill, spy (Stazi-stylee), rape, defame, defraud and misrepresent just to cover their shit up!

Just to give an example, I've recently won two legal cases, and the Lambeth County Court Judges, can not bring themselves to agree to the damages I demanded. It is so bad, that they can not even bring themselves to give a default judgement. Around , here in Brixton and Lambeth, there is no rule of law.

Just go to Camberwell Magistrates courts, and you will see Black members of the public being dragged through the courts for council tax 'debts' from 15 -20 years. Don't bother telling these fool magistrates about statutes of limitation, around here, the law does not work.

For my part, I would willingly go before a court run by Sadam Hussein, or Ghadaffi, knowing that I will be able to obtain justice. Here in Britain, these hypocrites masquarading as judges and magistrates, are nothing but legalised criminal sat in a courthouse and backed by the state. 

There is no written constitution in Britain, so some would argue that there is no law. The parliament thing is just a sick theatrical game played out for the benefit of the public and a few tourists.

Take it from me, I am libbering up in terms of the big legal action. For the aforementioned "establishment" they are no more than time-wasters and self-promoting jokers. 

They must learn, that no amount of dressing 'Princess Kate' in a Marcia-like blue-suit or letting the useless 'waity-Katy' out of her breeding pen so we can see her Marcia-like long hair, will cover the base. 

The public will never accept cheap and tacky copies  (if the royal family and 'trendy' 'down-wid-di-getto-idiot 'yoof' Prince Willy "know-wat-I-mean-bredrin").

Fingers, crossed, the royal family will die out naturally through natural selection. Meanwhile, we have to show forebearance, in that we are dealing with a set of people who are so corrupted, so worthless and so stupid, that they need to receive their information through lying corrupted policemen and from a press loaded up with journalists and editors that are so racist, they make Hitler look like an innocent child-bride.

These mentally defective, incestuous inbreds (alongside their politically sick sycophantic politician 'mates') have failed in their bid to save themselves. No amount of promoting princess katy, will help their creaking defunct dynasty. 

This is the end of the road. The chicken have come home to roost, today Rupert, tomorrow them. They do say, when you are digging one, hole, dig two.

They were so busy subjecting Black people to heavy illegaly surveillances, telephone hackings, break-ins, stealing our clothes from the washing line, spying, GQHQing, MI5ing, MI6ing, Secret Intelligencing, watching, watchlisting, blacklisting, stealing, mugging...Black people, that they took their eye off the prize.

And as for those criminals 'Sir' Gus O Donnell and his side kick Tony Blair - watch this space.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Guilty Julian Assange Should be Extradited for Rape.

Julian Assange - Accused woman rapist - Extradition.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Sunday, 10 July 2011

John Yates - Corrupted Former Brixton Scotland Yard Terror Police, Accused of Having Sickening Long-Term Sex-Affair With Rebekah Brooks - CE of Paper That Carried Out Torture, Anti-Black English Genocide, iIlegal Telephone & E-Mail Tapping and Surveillance.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Sack Him!
John Yates
 - Mad Craven Corrupted Assistant Commissioner - Corrupted Police investigating corrupted police. Yates is in charge of Counter-terrorism and Parliamentary Territorial Support Group and racist, anti-Black stop n search, secret dossiers and SOCA police policy .
It should also be noted that he is a former Brixton police officer who has recently been revealed to have had  a sick sexual relationship with  with female criminal Rebekah Brooks - former News of the World Editor directly involved in making illegal police payments (bungs), secret dossiers and illegal telephone taps. News International's  Chief Executive (a British subsidiary of the American company) Rebekah Brooks - muse of f News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch ties into the Daily Mail & Telegraph Editors. 'Sir ' Paul Stevenson - corrupted Met police Commissioner is this man's boss.

Sack Her!
 Said to have sex With John Yates above.
Honey-pot Rebekah Brooks - Racist, anti-Black Friend of  both Tony Blair, and David Cameron.
Accused of having a long-term perverted conspiratorial sexual relationship with corrupted police officer Scotland Yard Assistant John Yates. Both fabricated and promoted false dossiers and stories in the press to sell scandalous sex-driven stories.
These animals, (in combination with MI5, MI6, SIS, SO16, etc),  could not find any "actionable information" on me, and therefore, they were reduced to making up and conspiring in a joint criminal enterprise to created a "sexed-up" lied-filled 'Dodgy dossier' on me. The Aim and Purpose -  to cause my failure in the Positive security vetting procedures.

They literally had nothing on me. Hence the systematic carrying out of crimes against humanity of the Black Community.

In this crucial regard, let us not forget former Brixton lesbian police officer Cressida Dick (See police murder of innocent Jean Charles de Menezes) . 
She is now Scotland Yard's first lesbian Assistant Commissioner - in charge of its Special Crimes Directorate with jointly in control of the Territorial Support Group (SPG's).

Former borough commander - sadistic, drug-fuelled, homosexual - Brian Paddick, oversaw, the highest levels of Black 'Stop and Searches', 'Black Deaths in Custody' and 'Secret Domestic Renditions' and disappearances into Southwark & Lambeth-based 'Black sites' for medical experimentation by psychiatrists and  neuroscientists. These criminal activities are (globally and statistically) the highest on record. And yet has been taken on by the racist flaggid Lib Dems to run as their London Mayoral candidate. 

We must also question the actions of Metropolitian Police Authority (MPA) Chairwoman - Catherine Crawford for her lack of action and response to police corruption and bungs being given to police officers in carrier bags.

Lastly, the corrupt Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) - Chaired by racist, anti-Black Jew Deborah Glass. This organisation totally ignored complaints from the public of police corruption and illegal payments. This included complaints of Brixton police being paid off by certain drugs lords, and Brixton police Station, inspectors and borough commanders being 'bought' drugs barons. The IPCC is a police organisation filled with former police officers. Therefore corrupt police are (yet again) investigating corrupted police.

Meanwhile whistleblowers were targeted for harassment by the police and their mates in, Lambeth County Court, as well as Camberwell , City of London and Westminster Magistrates' Courts

The corruption included those running Brixton Challenge (i.e. Bernadette Marjoram, Ashford Francis, Maxine James, etc), Lambeth's Chief Executive Derek Anderson, the senior management teams (ALL the Executive Directors) of Lambeth  &  Southwark councils, as well as council leaders such as Steve Reed (with his main side-kick Jackie Meldrum).

ALL political party leaders turned a blind eye to the activities of these people because they thought it politically expedient.

E.g. catamite 'Sir' Keith Hill and Lambeth's Labour party cultivated "Britain's Barack Obama" by eliminating creating false information on ALL Black-West-Indian potential MP's for Brixton. Then they were systematically targeted, infiltrated and smeared. This with the full support of parliament and ALL the political parties.

Let us be clear, it is not just the News of the World who have been paying off corrupted police for the inside line. Local newspapers like the South London Press have been paying bungs to police and local politicians for stories for decades.

Therefore local people were excluded from political and civil participation and so had no influence in deciding who they would be represented by.

Hence the widespread infiltration of corruption. 

The Corrupted - The QueenPrince CharlesPrince PhilipPrince HarryPrince WilliamPrincess Anne; head of the freemasons - the Duke of KentRupert MurdochRebekah Brooks, senior white extremist police officers based in Scotland Yard, the Prime Minister,  ALL party leaders, JudgesMagistratesPermanent SecretariesParliamentary Secretaries, and even parliamentary staff and, drugs-lords and other criminals, are the decision-makers who decide on who should be elected n parliament. 

The ordinary man and woman, has absolutely no say in the matter. This hacking scandal goes far, far beyond what the politicians are telling the public. 

The public have now learnt the ropes. They are no more than cattle fodder in a sick game where the newspapers 'propaganderised' the delusion that we live in a democracy. 

So now we know, that it is ALL a pack of lies!

So, instead of the innocent victims (whistleblowers) within this perverse game being defamed, threatened or intimidated as 'mad', or even subjected to the ultimate reputational put down, of being  stigmatised as "schizophrenic", perhaps the public will be respected as mature adults capable of making mature decisions about their own lives. I'm with Rebekah Brooks on this one - This hacking and secret surveillance case is just the tip of the ice-berg. Closing down the News of the World will not help.

Take it from me, a living victim of the system, once you have been both the 'data subject' and affected by of this horrendous process of Criminalisation and medicalisation of Blackness, there is no turning back.

To be unwittingly put in a position where you are "groomed" into being made into 'the scandal' is unforgivable. 
For these so-called educated "establishment" fools to presume to ruin my life for their own self-aggrandisement and self-promotion (see two jack-asses Prince William and his idiot wife Catherine), is something that I for one, intend to deal with. No title, no position, no name, no status... nothing will stop this truck coming. 

I won't be making the classic Shylock mistake of asking for a pound  flesh. I want (and will get) much, much more!

Torture, Tyranny and UK Domestic Renditions

Kenyan Mau Maus seek UK damages for torture - 23 Jun 09

Ron Paul Tyranny and Torture of Citizens