Marcia Kia Simpson-James.
Dear Readers
If you have kept up with the activities of the British national 'Human Rights' body, you will know that it is headed by one of the most criminally incompetent, internally oppressed, anti-Black, Niggers in the whole of British colonial history.
He was so good at hating the Black West-Indian community of Jamaican descent, that he was rewarded by his tyrant boss (the Queen) with an 'honour'.
This coon, heads the most racist organisation in Britain, called the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). This organisation, which costs the public £70 million per year, has stood by whilst Black people have been subjected to crimes against humanity, aggression and genocide.
But not to worry, Britain can not be accused of racism or turning a blind eye to the systematic murder of full Black-English West-Indians of Jamaican background, because 'they' have an organisation that 'they' can go to that will actively protect 'their' human rights. And to add to 'their' confidence, that national 'human rights organisation is 'fronted' by 'one of their own' - a useless painted Black man.
Oh, yes, Trev will see to it, that they are sorted out.
Now we are told that Trev, and his sodomite and small-island side kicks such as the useless Simon Wooley, have been busy stealing loads of money from the petty cash box. At present, the figure appears to be somewhere in the region of £3-4 millions.
What I want to know, is what does Trev and his hombres do?
I had a case with the Met police's SPG's (TPG), Parliament, IPCC, GMC, Lambeth Council and the courts, which was never moved upon, despite clear evidence. The staff were some of the most incompetent individuals I have ever had the displeasure to come across, and they themselves were racist.
Most were white Irish, Scottish, eastern europeans, small island, or african. One could not have a more useless set of people.
Now, the Audit Commission and parliament can not ignore this niggers behaviour. 'Sir' Trevor Philips is an outright danger to the public. This level of incompetance should entail an automatic judicial inquiry, and the immediate arrest of Trevor Philips and his fellow commissioners (both present and past).
If this were an animal, we would be obliged to do the right thing. Lets be brave and put the EHRC out of its misery - Good night and farewell - It wasn't nice knowing you.
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