Dear readers and fans
This is s quick update as to what is happening with me, in terms of my preparing to sue the British government for Racism, crimes of aggression, genocide and crimes against humanity - including, murder, medical experimentations and state wrongs.
I was recently sent some information that was apparently about me. It was a 'rap sheet' (criminal record sheet) filled with 'crimes' I had apparently committed.
This fabricated document was sent in retaliation and as a warning to me, in a vain attempt to stop me preparing the case above.
Readers, you may be shocked to hear this, but I had received a letter from the GMC - General Medical Council, (dated the 28th June 2011), informing me, that the doctors who had defamed me, conspired and arranged my torture, my domestic rendition, my disappearance, and my false imprisonment for political purposes, were NOT obliged to 'register' with them, or disclose to the GMC , their whereabouts or who employers them.
I was shocked and appalled.
I was being told, that any doctor, Harold Shipman-like, could write, say and fabricate anything about anybody, (including complete strangers and people who are not their patients), with complete impunity.
Not only, that, but they could secretly 'link up' to harm any member of the public with the police, social workers, council workers, political candidate, government minister or any tom cobbly.
No one needs to no. Especially,when they are backed up by legislation such as the Anonymous Witness Act (equivalent to the Material Witness Act in America see the Al Kidd case).
But, lets get even more sinister and mysterious. Has anyone heard of the Law Commission? Well, for those who answered no, these anonymous racists have sat a written racists reports such as
"Bad Character..." and "Joint Enterprises..."
If you can access these reports, then they make for interesting reading. The reports are almost a 'how to' or 'guide-books' on how the British government, and the legal profession can 'legally' get away with racial discrimination, criminalising, stigmatising and medicalising "Black disadvantaged people".
It would be the equivalent of the 'Bombers Cookbook' if they were actual terrorists.
In fact, these manuals, ARE a blue-print for state-backed agent terrorists, who are guided through the process of 'how to' stalk-hunt-and eliminate urban, Black- English people of West-Indian background.
These series of Law Commission reports are in effect state funded 'terror' handbooks on 'how to' maliciously target Black-English people, and 'legally', get away with it.
Readers and fans, just imagine, every time you step out of your home, go to work, go to the shops, go to the library, go to pay your council taxes, go to a cultural event, a public building, etc, you are 'stigmatised' as "a bad character".
Hence, the 'rap sheet' being posted to me, by the British government, to intimidate me into stopping any race cases.
Readers, please note, that the latest lick of the racist British government is to arrange to have Black political human rights defenders convicted under harassment, use of threatening words, and alarm, legislation.
In other words, under "race Hate/ and race-crime" laws.
This has happened in my own case. I boldly declare this, because, ironically, I worked on that legislation personally, and was a board member of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). So what a La La!
I think, the point is, that I am supposed to feel so ashamed of my 'crime', that I am silenced into submission. I should be skulking away, hiding myself in a dark corner, never to be seen again.
They must be joking! I am the victim, and I must run away, as if I were the criminal - are they mad?
Dear readers and fans. I feel that I should let you know, that the legal case is building up, nicely. Nothing, and I mean, nothing, not even the British government torturing me, will stop this case.
The fact is, the British like to go around the world and make out that they are the gentlemen of the world. This case, will prove, that this is an outright lie and a British delusion projected onto the international stage.
At this moment in time, I can cooly argue, that no middle eastern dictator has caused me any harm or threatened my life.
On the other hand - The British government, and it's state agents have caused me and other Black people such harm, that the position has become untenable for this government.
This required a big legal action to stop these crimes against humanity and degrading harms. I am not prepared to be criminalised and medicalised because I so happen to be Black.
Dear reader and fans - I dare anyone to find a single white man prepared to accept being grabbed and hauled from their beds in the middle of the night on the word of complete strangers and 'disappeared' for years at a time.
All hell would rightly break out!
I am the same, but different.
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