The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Why is Prince Albert of Monaco Holding His South African Fiancee Hostage Over 'Black' Baby With African Woman - Let Her Go Kidnapper!

Shameless Prince Albert of Monaco buys scared 'girl' From slave-trading South Africa. Pitiful Charlene - the kidnap victim  - cries floods of tears  in despair during forced marriage. There is no escape from monster perverted Prince.

Now the only thing Charlene has to worry about, is how will she survive the rape! 

Why are Black English People Stigmatised as 'Bad Characters' ?- See Racist Defamatory Police, Parliamentary Clerks and Law Commissioners Reports Labelling Black 'West-Indian' people as 'Natural-born' Criminals From Birth.

Dear readers and fans

This is s quick update as to what is happening with me, in terms of my preparing to sue the British government for Racism, crimes of aggression, genocide and crimes against humanity - including, murder, medical experimentations and state wrongs.

I was recently sent some information that was apparently about me. It was a 'rap sheet' (criminal record sheet) filled with 'crimes' I had apparently committed.

This fabricated document was sent in retaliation and as a warning to me, in a vain attempt to stop me preparing the case above.

Readers, you may be shocked to hear this, but I had received a letter from the GMC - General Medical Council, (dated the 28th June 2011), informing me, that the doctors who had defamed me, conspired and arranged my torture, my domestic rendition, my disappearance, and my false imprisonment for political purposes, were NOT obliged to 'register' with them, or disclose to the GMC , their whereabouts or who employers them.

I was shocked and appalled.

I was being told, that any doctor, Harold Shipman-like, could write, say and  fabricate anything about anybody, (including complete strangers and people who are not their patients), with complete impunity.

Not only, that, but they could secretly 'link up' to harm any member of the public with the police, social workers, council workers, political candidate, government minister or any tom cobbly.

No one needs to no. Especially,when they are backed up by legislation such as the Anonymous Witness Act (equivalent to the Material Witness Act in America see the Al Kidd case).

But, lets get even more sinister and mysterious. Has anyone heard of the Law Commission? Well, for those who answered no, these anonymous racists have sat a written racists reports such as

"Bad Character..."  and  "Joint Enterprises..."

If you can access these reports, then they make for interesting reading. The reports are almost a 'how to' or 'guide-books' on how the British government, and the legal profession can 'legally' get away with racial discrimination,  criminalising, stigmatising and medicalising "Black disadvantaged people".

It would be the equivalent of the 'Bombers Cookbook' if they were actual terrorists.

In fact, these manuals, ARE a blue-print for state-backed agent terrorists, who are guided through the process of 'how to' stalk-hunt-and eliminate urban, Black- English people of West-Indian background.

These series of Law Commission reports are in effect state funded 'terror' handbooks on 'how to' maliciously target Black-English people, and 'legally', get away with it.

Readers and fans, just imagine, every time you step out of your home, go to work, go to the shops, go to the library, go to pay your council taxes, go to a cultural event, a public building, etc, you are 'stigmatised' as "a bad character".

Hence, the 'rap sheet' being posted to me, by the British government, to intimidate me into stopping any race cases.

Readers, please note, that the latest lick of the racist British government is to arrange to have Black political human rights defenders convicted under harassment,  use of threatening words, and alarm, legislation.

In other words, under "race Hate/ and race-crime" laws.

This has happened in my own case. I boldly declare this, because, ironically, I worked on that legislation personally, and was a board member of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). So what a La La!

I think, the point is, that I am supposed to feel so ashamed of my 'crime', that I am silenced into submission. I should be skulking away, hiding myself in a dark corner, never to be seen again.

They must be joking! I am the victim, and I must run away, as if I were the criminal - are they mad? 

Dear readers and fans. I feel that I should let you know, that the legal case is building up, nicely. Nothing, and I mean, nothing, not even the British government torturing me, will stop this case. 
The fact is, the British like to go around the world and make out that they are the gentlemen of the world. This case, will prove, that this is an outright lie and a British delusion projected onto the international stage.

At this moment in time, I can cooly argue, that no middle eastern dictator has caused me any harm or threatened my life.

On the other hand - The British government, and it's state agents have caused me and other Black people such harm, that the position has become untenable for this government.

This required a big legal action to stop these crimes against humanity and degrading harms. I am not prepared to be criminalised and medicalised because I so happen to be Black. 

Dear reader and fans - I dare anyone to find a single white man prepared to accept being grabbed and hauled from their beds in the middle of the night on the word of complete strangers and 'disappeared' for years at a time.

All hell would rightly break out! 

I am the same, but different.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Nato's Secretary General Will Speak at OSCE Vienna Security Conference.

Dear readers and fans 

All those who are intellectuals and academics make a note in your diaries for an event from Wednesday 29th June 2011 to 1st July 2011.
The OSCE's will be holding its annual security Review Conference in Vienna.
This conference is aimed at providing a 'framework' for increasing, reviewing and enhancing security dialogue and work that it undertakes.
Nato's Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen is due to give a speech, to the OSCE's annual Security conference during the opening session (which is set to start at 10am on Thursday, 30th june 2011), in the Horburg Congress Centre's Neuer Saal.
In addition, Ambassador Kestutis Jankauskas, Lithuania's Permanent State Secretary at its country's Foreign ministry, is due to make some introductory remarks. The conference can be seen live on webcast at:
 It is understood that Mr Rasmussen will give a few minutes for Q & A's to journalists before leaving the Neuer Saal.

In terms of some of the detail of the conference, 56 countries are slated in to take part this conference, whose title is:  
             "Towards a Security Community - What has to be done?"

 Delegates will discuss  transnational threats & challenges and how to strengthen the coherence of the OSCE's response.

The delegates will also be discussing how to improve the OSCE's effective interactions in early warning, conflict prevention & post conflict rehabilitation activities. They will also be examining the challenges and opportunities in the processes necessary to revitalise confidence in conventional arms control and security-building measures. 

Readers and fans should also note that there will be a special session, to be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 29th June 2011 where 12 OSCE co-operation partners will look at how the organisation can strengthen its dealings with them. 

1.       1. Working sessions will be closed to the media.

2.        2. The closing session is set to start at 17:45 (5.45 pm UK) in the Neuer Saal - This session is open to journalists

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Marcia & Cato - A Most Excellent Woman

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.
St Marcia 
Dear readers and fans

Have you ever heard of Cato the Younger and his wife Marcia.

Well if you haven't, then that's some homework for you tonight. Suffice it to say that they were both highly respected, with great numbers of eager and willing followers. Cato was known for his rhetorical skills and his tidy speeches.

Cato the Younger was very fond of Marcia and he married her after his divorce from his first wife Atilia. Apparently Cato divorced his first wife because of rumors about her infidelity.

He married Marcia, (his second wife in 63 BC). Marcia was said to be

"a woman of excellent reputation, about whom there was the most abundant talk" (Plutarch). 

We can not tell if all the 'rumours and abundant talk' was all good, but we can all agree that Marcia was a special lady. Marcia went on to give Cato three children. 

There was some controversy around this couple because Cato divorced Marcia to allow her to marry his 'friend'. His 'friend', known as "The King of the Courts",  died one year later, leaving Marcia, all his wealth and status.

Marcia, then remarried Cato the Younger - a man notorious for his stance against corruption and bribery. In his role of Extraordinary Quaestor , he had financial responsibility for treasury monies and assets combined with the authority of a High Court Judge enjoined with the active role of the most senior police officer.

I think we can safely say that Marcia and Cato were a super-couple.

Does this sound familiar to anyone out there?

I now recognise that I am  "a woman of excellent reputation, about whom there was the most abundant talk" 

If we substitute Cato for Joe, where do I go from here? 

The Coromantees were no minor group from the outback, but rulers of the 'entire' African continent. The Ashanti's, 'Nigerians', and the rest,(what ever name you wish to call them), came under our direct rule .

And so the argument about slavery takes on a completely different complexion and weight.

Who in the world has ever come close to this kind of Empire? No one!

This is why there was the need for a unified effort between the Africans and the Europeans to eliminate us. 

This is why both whites and africans are shocked to see us return with our 'dark-red' skin colour, the same as those who ruled from Aegyptus and Axum. The "Crowned - 'Annointed' Mantees - Mantel - Fur-linned stole and cape were some of the regalia stolen from us.

So, indeed, there is plenty to play for when one considers, Nigeria, Libya, AUE ... the whole of Africa, with all our resources. We, the Coromantees are the actual and legal owners of the oil, diamonds, etc.

If any Memoranda of Understandings are to be agreed, it is with us. This is 'the' case of cases.

And these fuckers want me to 'forget it' ...they must be mad!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The People Want to Know - How Long have Africans David Lammy (Ghanaian Tottenham MP) and Chuka Umunna (Nigerian Streatham MP) Been Homosexual Lovers?

Criminally Incompetent Trevor Philips Head of Black Heterosexual-hating Sodomite Equality Commission - Found to Have Stolen Public Monies & Contributed to the Genocide of Black West-Indian Community by Racist British Government

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Dear Readers

If you have kept up with the activities of the British national 'Human Rights' body, you will know that it is headed by one of the most criminally incompetent, internally oppressed, anti-Black, Niggers in the whole of British colonial history.

He was so good at hating the Black West-Indian community of Jamaican descent, that he was rewarded by his tyrant boss (the Queen) with an 'honour'.

This coon, heads the most racist organisation in Britain, called the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). This organisation, which costs the public £70 million per year, has stood by whilst Black people have been subjected to crimes against humanity, aggression and genocide.

But not to worry, Britain can not be accused of racism or turning a blind eye to the systematic murder of full Black-English West-Indians of Jamaican background, because 'they' have an organisation that 'they' can go to that will actively protect 'their' human rights. And to add to 'their' confidence, that national 'human rights organisation is 'fronted' by 'one of their own' - a useless painted Black man.

Oh, yes, Trev will see to it, that they are sorted out.

Now we are told that Trev, and his sodomite and small-island side kicks such as the useless Simon Wooley, have been busy stealing loads of money from the petty cash box. At present, the figure appears to be somewhere in the region of £3-4 millions.

What I want to know, is what does Trev and his hombres do?

I had a case with the Met police's SPG's (TPG), Parliament, IPCC, GMC, Lambeth Council and the  courts, which was never moved upon, despite clear evidence. The staff were some of the most incompetent individuals I have ever had the displeasure to come across, and they themselves were racist.

Most were white Irish, Scottish, eastern europeans, small island, or african. One could not have a more useless set of people.

Now, the Audit Commission and parliament can not ignore this niggers behaviour. 'Sir' Trevor Philips is an outright danger to the public. This level of incompetance should entail an automatic judicial inquiry, and the immediate arrest of Trevor Philips and his fellow commissioners (both present and past).

If this were an animal, we would be obliged to do the right thing. Lets be brave and put the EHRC out of its misery - Good night and farewell - It wasn't nice knowing you.

Monday, 20 June 2011

European Space Agency - ISS undocking

Royal Racist Prince Harry casually threatens to shoot Black man - Stereotypically called 'Winston' - in the Head

Royal Racist Gangster - Prince 'The Gunman' Harry threatens to shoot Black man "Winston" in the head.

The racist white bwoy, known to some as 'prince' Harry, has shown his real anti-Black-man colours, by threatening to shoot a Black man in the head. For this one, this little fool should have had his teeth boxed out of his head.

It will come as no surprise to many, that looking at the culmination of this 'prince of the royal bloods' behaviours, they can only conclude that he is fixated and obsessed with Black-English men of  Jamaican descent and heritage.

This is not the first time 'prince' Harry (and his 'father' - Prince Charles) has been found acting in an insulting and offensively racist manner towards Black people.
For example, he has walked the streets of London wearing a "Rasta" wig as a 'disguise'.

'prince' Harry has also been filmed pointing a gun at a fellow Asian trainee officer at Sandringham, whilst calling his colleague a "rag-head".

'prince' Harry, is in good company. His 'father' , the prince of wales, leads by example. Charles was filmed in the caribbean wearing a "Rasta" wig, whilst rolling around on the floor 'laughing'. The embarrassment for his entourage was palpable to the public.

So, what can we conclude. Most sensible members of the public have already come to the conclusion that 'prince' Harry, and his 'father' prince charles are mentally disordered.

This maybe because there is mental disorder in prince philip's branch of the family ,or more accurately, across the wider spectrum of the entire royal 'family' system.

Unfortunately, the the truth is, that the Black-English community of Jamaican heritage have been the biggest and  most outrageous victims of these clan of  'nuts'.

Black-English people of Jamaican background, have been subjected to the highest levels of genocide, crimes against humanity and aggression of any minority group in the UK. This is based on the "Visibility" of the group. That is, our colour, our complexion.

The young animal, called 'prince' Harry, threatening to shoot "Winston" in the head,  only goes to vindicate what happened to me in parliament. I too was subjected to auto-machine guns being pointed directly at my head, and being told that I "contaminated" parliament with my presence.

Have no doubt, reader, these people, who head the Commonwealth, are some of the  most racist, genocidal people on the planet. I was "hounded" out of parliament, to be 'usurped' by a racist, anti-Black, half-caste, irish, jewish, muslim, homosexual called Chuka Harrison Umunna. 

Even a dog has more rights in parliament, than a Black person. Dogs are happily welcomed into parliament, whilst I was confronted with SO6 'Royal protection and counter-terrorist' SPG police. 

An MP is so used to his dog receiving an escort into parliament, that he has threatened to invoke the Human Rights Act, to protect his dogs right to enter parliament. All this, because he has been asked not to bring his dog into parliament in the future.

Therefore, Britain, can now proudly face the world's tyrants, and tell the international human rights community, that British dogs have more human rights than Black-English people of African-Caribbean descent.  

For that one insult, and threat to my life, I think that will be an good additional millions in punitive damages. 

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Nazerenes - Black People - The World's First Human Rights Defenders . The Supreme Priestly Christians Who Fought Against Babylon during the Exile.

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Nazarites - the Original Priestly Christians who supported Jesus & the concept of the resurrection. Notice that many Rastas copy the 'tam'(head covering) that holds the "lamb-like" 'locks' that clearly delinate them from white racist jews, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees. The 'unshorn' beard is also illustrated in the images above.

Although the illustrations above are of white men, they illustrate that races habit of 'copying' Black people in the garb and religious beliefs.

Instead of the 'real'  Rastaman and woman being given due respect as holders of beliefs that go back to the earliest forms of Christianity. They are corrupted, degraded, tortured, disappeared and killed. All in the name of the British structural programming of the genocide of this internationally recognised religious group.

Those who are slightly more discerning, may be able to tell the difference between the Nazarene and Rasta. However, the difference is less important than the similarities, which is that the Messiah's are Black.

In the case of the High Priests, also known as the Nazarenes, they believe that the Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lord, Saviour of Israel (which is Africa), Conquering Lion of Judah; Shiloh, Immanuel, etc, was and will be a FULL Black man. No mix up mix up!

No 'light-skin', no 'half-caste', no 'yellow man', no 'white man', no 'coolie man', a Black man - simple!

Since I was born on the day of  Yom Kippur, (September), You will note that the first character above, is dressed in white. The purpose of this 'simple' dress was for the Nazarene priest to show humility to God on the Holiest of Holiest Day of the year. The humble dress is also accompanied by fasting.

BethlaHam-JerusalHam- Seal of Black Wisdom.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Black West-Indian Boy Expelled from School for Representing His Culture - Cane-row - High Court Case Concludes Today. Britain Claims it is Illegal For Black People to wear Hair in Dread-locks or Corn-Rows.

Marcia Simpson-James.

The racist Irish Catholics are up to their racist anti-Black antics again.
See article on catholic racists below:

A Black-English West-Indian boy, was actually banned from attending a North London catholic school because he had a cane-row hairstyle.

There was not one Black man ready to go in and defend the Black youth against our cultural enemies. It was not a coincidence, that the law firm that 'took' the boys case was the chambers which has  the racist catholic Cherie Blair.

Perhaps, she and her fellow racist journeymen, are atoning for their years of racism against Black people. It didn't work. This is just a bid for work, from any idiot Black person prepared to put their trust in a bunch of white, anti-Black, irish catholic racists.

The Catholics have alwasy had deep fear of the concept of the Black Messiah. Which is ironic, since, their last pope entreated all decent catholics to go, search and find "Black Mary" the "Mother of the New Messiah":

See the Kinks Video Below called 'The Black Messiah':

So What are the racist catholics afraid of in regards to the expression of Black Culture?

Any Black person who believes that an catholic irish or scots man or woman can be anything but racist is not only stupid, but internally oppressed to the maximum.

So they have 'discovered' that discriminating against a Black person because of their hairstyle is illegal, if not outright criminal. 

I wonder what will happen when I bring my case, where I was confronted by untold white racist irish and scottish SPG terror police in parliament, and they 'banned' me from parliament for having dread-locks. It did not help their case, that they put guns to my temple, and brought along that wizzened old man Dr David James of the Fixated and Obsessed Threat Centre for luck. 

I'll assume that Chuka Harrison (umunna) - 'Lady' Ros Howells of St David's, 'Lord' Patel of Bradford, the former Black Rod, Mr Cummings, and Mr Kielty (et al), etc,  all have their cheque-books ready to go. Where shall I start £3 million and going...upwards. 

White man 2 v Marcia 5

The racist Cherie Blair and her racist side-kicks Gareth Peirce and Helena Kennedy parade themselves around the world as pro-woman, this is a lie. The only women they are interested in are themselves and what they perceive as women of their own "type".

I aggree with them, no decent woman would know how to behave in the despicable manner of these 'honourable' women. Their god is filthy luctre - god help any decent person who gets in the way of their obtaining their sick goal.

As for the woman who personally harassed me - jumped up social worker, 'Baroness' Ros Howells of St Davids, I would like to ask a question? 

Why would you ask a complete stranger  about a particular man, and complain that he was NOT homosexual, and that you thought he was a "swinger"? Did you expect to "swing" with this particular man? 

Why would an elderly woman like you want to have sex with a far younger Black man, who, up until that point had respect for you? Why would you openly attempt to sexually corrupt a Black professional, and to what purpose?

I regards to me, why would you personally come out and harass me in parliament at least 10 times? I assume you have a record of when you received telephone calls from racists in parliament to harass me.

I also assume that you feel that it was worth bringing on the half-caste racist Chuka Harrison Umunna to the 'British Caribbean' Parliamentary Group? So a racist , half-Nigerian, Irish, Jew , Muslim comes before any Black English-Born west-Indian from Brixton. 

This piece of trash come before me? Big mistake!

How much is your house work 'Ros'?

As for Diane Abbott, tell her not to worry, I will be speaking to her...when's her birthday again?

Monday, 13 June 2011

Bribery Bid for Access & Influence - How Crazy is 'mad' Sarah Duchess of York? - it's All in the Eyes - How She Sold Out Connected Trade Envoy Husband 'Randy Andy'

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

Recidivist, wild-eyed Sarah Ferguson claims her dead mother beat her - just a weak excuse for her attempting to sell access & influence to her grubby, paedophile- friendly, ex-husband, Prince Andrew. What kind of woman would sell her husband into slavery? Fergie!

Dear readers

I ask a question, How does one woman, who is living in several free homes, has everything paid for, doesn't have to pay for travel and only pays pennies for dresses  burn through £15 million?

This is the actual amount Fergie worked through since her divorce from Prince Andrew? This woman has a serious problem.

Now she has gone as far as digging up her dead mother, as part of her explanation for the unexplicable. 

As we all know, you can't defame the dead or the mad.

Even the most stupid idiot, the most incompetent criminal would know, that just living off the interest would have given her a good life (by any standards). However, this dimwit, was so desperate to 'explain' her weird spending habits - with nothing to show - that she is busy insulting every real victim of child abuse, by claiming her mother 'beat' her.

This woman is prepared to go low for a few extra dollars from her latest paymaster, Black American, Oprah Winfrey. What will she claim next - that she was 'shopping' in Brixton and was 'mugged'?

This woman is a disgrace to womankind. I give up, just take her 'Royal madness' away out of my sight!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Dark-Skinned Black Women Are the Most Beautiful - Official! Only Culturised Full-Black Men Respected Enough to Go Out With Full-Black Dark-Skinned Women. Everybody Else is A Nigger!

Marcia Kia Simpson-James.

A Coromantee Empire Woman - Gay McDonald - Example of Black Diasporan of Jamaican descent - Clearly both parents of this model were Black.

Friday, 10 June 2011

The Judges who made me sick - Judges refuse to issue Harassment Injunction against medical doctor involved in Medical Experiements Practiced against Britain's Dark-Skinned Black Community. Lambeth's Racist District Judges Wakem (woman) & Worthington (man)

Lambeth County Court - Where racist district judges regularly refuse justice to Brixton's Black community. They collude with racist medical staff and social workers to carry out medical experiments on Black people.
Camberwell Green Magistrates and Youth Court - this is the court that has been bought by Lambeth  & Southwark council's social services, and the medical staff of King's College and Maudseley mental hospital, where the police, doctors (psychiatrists), Magistrates & court Duty Clerks collude, abet each other and conspire to disappear dark-skinned Black people. Illegal warrants are issued en-masse by white racist, anti-Black Magistrates (e.g. Mr P. French) at the drop of a hat. Worried magistrate and county court staff resist FOI request asking how many Black people have been illegally 'detained' on the 'advice' of malicious police, social workers, politicians (former Streatham MP, 'Sir' Keith Hill)

Dear readers, forgive me for not writing recently, but I am recovering from a jaw infection after the shock of being refused a 'default judgement' against a Dr Bocock, who operates out of some Streatham office. 

I have been in Lambeth's County Courts for the past three weeks, (on and off) starting legal proceedings against individuals, within the medical profession who were party to my torture, illegal & false imprisonment and detention.

I must admit, I do not like to lose. I had crossed the t's and dotted the i's and this was a done deal, (or so I thought).

First I was confronted with a flame-haired female judge on the 19May 2011, who refused to order an injunction against Dr Bocock, who had apparently been terrifying my neighbour's by knocking at their front door. She had stood outside their doors, banging away, and shouting out me name. This was not four and a half years ago, this was four weeks ago. 

I had written a piece about that fat racist buffoon John Prescott calling him out as a punching pig, etc. I can only think that this was the reason for Dr Bocock's 'visit'. This was a woman, who had four and a half years earlier been part of an operation built to discredit me by illegally raiding my home, and confronting me in my own bedroom with the unforgettable words, "I'm here to give you some horse tablets and give you some injections".

I was disappeared on the word of this mad doctor and the actions of another nut, passing herself off as a social worker - called Anne-Marie Harrison (apparently a relative of the new half-caste MP for Streatham - Chuka Harrison).

I was held incommunicado for 5 days. I demanded a hearing at a tribunal, so that parliamentary police, and each and every relevant witnessed could be called. I was horrified to see that the police did not have the balls to turn up to justify their behaviour.

I believe that since then I have been the latent suffer of post traumatic stress syndrome, and have suffered emotional harm as a consequence of what was done to me. 

And, no, my public, I have never taken drugs, much less 'needed' to take them.

I was livid. 

I instigated started legal proceedings under the protection from Harassment Act 1997. Then, I came upon a stubbling block with female District Judge Wakem. 

The day before, I made my Ex Parte application for an injunction, I went to Lambeth County Court, in Kennington, to get a feel for the place. I was shocked to see a Black woman who had been processed by Wakem, come out of a secret hearing upset and flustered. She had been refused an injunction against a partner who(according to her) was extremely violent. Waken, had told this woman, that this victim of domestic violence had to 'personally' hand a summons to her victimiser, then spend the next two weeks sleeping under the same roof as him, before the hearing.

The woman was upset, that her life had now been put in danger by the judge. This did not bode well for my case the next day.

My name was called, 19th May 2011 and I was shown into the secret court room 6. I sat down, and without my opening my mouth to say anything, Wakem, looked at me, and said "Oh, I don't think this case can be dealt with sensibly without the other side...oh lets have it in 7 days...step outside". 

Suddenly it was all over, and I was shown out by her sweaty, red-faced, short-sleeved, white male usher. White people 1 v Marcia 0

I was told to sit "downstairs...and wait".

I waited and waited, and waited, then a young Black woman came out of the back office, and pointed a small pile of papers at me. She said here's your papers. I checked the papers, and they appeared to be the same papers for the claim. I asked for the order. and was directed to a second pile underneath the first. there was a plain white sheet. I decided to pull it out and look properly.

I was a small box at the top left of the plain sheet with my name and details. I asked the young woman the meaning of the papers, (by this time she had made several attempts to go back into the back office, but I insisted on an explanation).

She started to roll her eyes sarcastically, and said "that's how you serve them". I asked this young person what she was referring to, and she replied, "turn it over, there's the order".
I flipped the plain white paper over, (it was stapled at the left had corner), and saw, print. 

I was shocked on reading District Judge Wakem's order. It said that the Ex Parte injunction had been refused. I did not have a good meaningful reason for that refusal.

Then the second part shocked me even more, The next hearing had been set for nearly three weeks down the line, on the  7th June 2011.

I came into the court on 6th of June, since I had not heard anything from Dr Bocock, after service of the papers. I was told that generally a default judgement would normally be made. I was told that the case would be listed, and that I would be called.

I arrived at court, and felt uncomfortable.

The case was not listed, and I did not hear my name called. 

I went to the enquiry area of the court, and there was some cue. eventually, there was a check, they could not find the case. I showed my documentation to the asian man at the desk, and he went off to speak to someone. He was some time.

As I was waiting, short white, man, in a smart dark suit, a white shirt and a bright canary-yellow, stepped out of a side room. I was taller than him. I noted he looked at me with hatred. He steamed past me. Initially, I thought he was a member of staff. I was going to ask him, why my case had not been listed. I decided against asking this man when I saw 'the evil'look of hatred in his eyes

 I was eventually shown upstairs (again) into secret court 3, by a racist, red-faced, beer-gutted, pink-shirted white man who I assumed was a court usher or clerk. This man, was barking at me, shouting that I was late, and he had been waiting. I said that I had been in the the cue, had been looking for the case on the listings board, had spoken to the security staff to ask where I ought to go for information, etc.

So, upstairs to secret court 3.

The ruddy-faced court usher, looked extremely upset and angry. He first went through a a heavy white door. Then he came out, and shouted "Bocock!".

He waited for some time, and then reluctantly, motioned for me to come through the doors. Shock, I was shown into the room, and was confronted by this red-faced, angry, hate-filled white man. It was the short, hate-filled white man, who had steamed past me glaring at me downstairs. I was stunned.

I was directed to sit in the seat nearest to him. This judge started. "I've already struck it out". I was horrified - I had expected to be dealt with by District Judge Wakem (the woman). I was told that she was "training another judge".

Then I asked why, he answered, that he had done so because "no one was in the court". I explained that I had been.

He then indicated that the case was 'un-struck' out.

I expected to be speaking about a default judgement and damages.

Instead, I was greeted by a vicious and hostile judge. He was so openly hostile, that I asked him his name. He said "District Judge Worthington".

He then started to deflect the discussion and speak about "the post code". He said "show me the certificate of service...have you served the papers?"

I replied "yes".

He looked smug, and asked "can you show me a copy of the certificate of service?"
Reply: "Yes"
I did not expect to be asked this, so I had to spend a few seconds going through documents to pin-point the certificate of service. I showed the judge the certificate and additional proof that the documents had been served.

This appeared to cause the judges anger levels to go out of control. He again referred to "post code".

"show me on the documents where the post code for Dr Bocock is?"

I showed the judged from my bundle.

There was full address, with half the postal code. He smiled and said, "I can't allow haven't put the full postal code on her address".

I was flabberghasted. As I looked at the bundle, I noted that my address, similiarly, only had half the postal code with it.  I pointed out, that District Judge Waken had accepted the information supplied, and had issued the order and summons, based on that information. Therefore I could not understand what the obstacle was [to the default judgement]

At that, District Judge Worthington, became extremely aggitated, and animated, and said, "I am not satisfied that these documents have been delivered properly, and therefore want you to..."

The racist, went into a shopping list. He was writing away in red ink, almost driving the pen through the table, he was so angry.

As he was listing what I had to do, I could not help but politely inquire why he was insisting I repeat again all the steps I had taken serve the papers to Dr Bocock. I heard the judge tell me, that he "did not believe" that I had served the papers on Dr Bocock "properly".

Then he went back to the post code issue. 

He then asked me, if I knew "Helen".

I replied "No".

He went to his computer, and said, "why don't you have her correct post code... did you Google her?"

I was thinking to myself, why would I Google this doctor. I had a note she had pushed through my letter box, and therefore, had to go on the very little information I had on this individual. I could do no more.

District Judge, then asked me, where did I 'think' I would be able to access her full post code, I replied 'the Royal Mail' or perhaps the electoral roll.

Worthington looked disappointed.

Then he continued to write, saying I want you to hire a specialist who hand delivers service documents, I want you to have them write a statement, as to exactly how they delivered the papers, I want the documents delivered to her work place, into her personal hand, I want you to write a statement saying telling me what you did to confirm that the papers were delivered, and I want you to come back on the 21st June 2011.

I took a deep intake of breath, and responded to the judge. I asked him whether the certificate of service was a legal document of the court, "yes", so, you are asking me to do exactly what I have stated and signed that I have done on this present certificate? "yes".

So you are telling me that this certificate of service is no good?
Then he specifically asked me, "what kind of doctor is Dr Bocock, is she an ordinary GP or what kind of doctor is she?"

, I replied, "I think she is a psychiatrist". Worthington's face, looked at me with a combination of disgust and anger. I did not obviously respond. However, I was sickened to know that this dangerous man, who was a judge, was working in a urban setting, dealing with the Brixton area, and Black people. I wondered, where these people (white racist judges) came from?

I was faced with either co-operating with a dangerous raving racist, or not. I decided that this level of racial discrimination was untenable.

I told District judge Worthington that he had put me in a position that I felt that I did not have any other choice, I had to take the case to the High Court.

He replied to me "so you want the case struck out", I replied, no you have put me in this situation and therefore I have no choice but to either adjourn the case or...'

Worthington said, "so the case is struck out".

I replied to that "struck out under my strong protest" (said three times).

I began to write that the case was struck out under my strongest protest.
 As I was writing, the red-faced drunken looking usher rushed to open the door, and started to shout at me to get out.

I was sickened, appalled, stunned, alarmed, humiliated and distressed. I went to the High Court - However, it was clear that telephone calls had been made. There was reference to "the 24th". In none of the papers delivered to the High Court was "the 24th" mentioned. The reader should note that the 24th June 2011 was the date of the delivery of service of documents to the defendant.

I was also concerned, that the judge at the High court, her name appeared in the Daily Mail, in regards to another case the following day. This could not be a coincidence. I get worried when judges want to be on television and in the newspapers so that the can boost themselves and their careers. I believe it is a form of unjust enrichment. I do not want to be exploited by either Paul Dacre (the mentally disordered editor of the Daily Mail), or any judge who has the idea that they can 'make it' to some international court by exploiting some explosive case involving "those animals known as blacks".

It appears to me, that many people expected to profit on my defamation and ruination, it also appears to me, that may of these people are "public authorities" who have over-stepped the mark. 

Score so far:

White man 2 v Marcia 0

Remember, I intend to win. I haven't even warmed up yet!
Have you ever wondered what they would do to you to stop you running for election as an MP or any other public office? Kidnap, disappear, false imprisonment,  multiple defamations such as accusations of insanity, criminalisation,... I must be good!

Oh well, I ought to take some comfort in being patronisingly told that I was "very articulate" by a High Court Judge. Mighty white of...

Torture, Tyranny and UK Domestic Renditions

Kenyan Mau Maus seek UK damages for torture - 23 Jun 09

Ron Paul Tyranny and Torture of Citizens