The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Friday, 18 October 2013

Freemason Child Rapist Paedophile Jimmy Savile with his 'Protector' and "Body-Guard" Police Inspector Mick Starkey. Member of the "Friday Morning Club".

Claims: Former policeman Mick Starkey, left, was apparently close to Jimmy Savile and frequently visited his home
Freemason Jimmy Savile 
(on the left in track suit).

- Laughing -
Mad, Violent, and Dangerous,
Child-raping, Psychopathic,
Schizophrenic, takes picture with
 his protective "Bodyguard",
former Met & West Midland's
police officer 

Inspector Mick Starkey,
in  front of 
rape-vehicle Rolls Royce
where they plotted their crimes together. 

Sick Starkey used to drive Paedophile
Jimmy Savile
From Broadmoor top Security mental
hospital for the Criminally insane,
 to Duncroft children's home,
in Staines, 
especially so that he could
freely rape and
 sexually abuse the
most vulnerable
 children in the country
for cheap kicks.

It is now feared, that Savile and Starkey,
may have gone as far as releasing
child-killers and women-murderers,
 from Broadmoor, so that Savile could
get his rocks off, whilst watching
these madmen secretly raping,
the girls who lived in what Savile
referred to as "posh" children stately 

care  homes he  referred to as  
"Borstals" in his 2009 police statement.

Certifiably insane, Jimmy Savile was a 

close friend of the royal family, including 
prince Charles. 

Child-rapist, Jimmy Savile, was also 
a top  ranking Freemason, who used 
dirty tricks, like making false claims 
against his innocent victims. Including 
calling them pathological "liars", falsely 
claiming that his child-sex abuse victims 
were "mad" or "weirdos" and falsely 
claiming that they should not be
 believed because they were on 
"flights of fancy" or "fantacists".

Deferential police officers, kow-towed
to certifiably insane Paedophile

 Jimmy Savile, 
and even interviewed him in his
 "offices" in Broadmoor hospital,

 where he was supported by his sick 
in the head "body-guard".

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