The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Saturday 30 March 2013

Black Emperor Hammurabi - World Black Law-Giver Who's Chosen Black Phallus was Worshipped All Over the Universe. Corrupted Jews Falsely Claim that Moses Brought the Laws Down from the Mountain, No, It was Hammurabi - the Strongest Chosen Black Man.

Black King Hammurabi The Black Lawgiver 
aka 'The Black One Chosen by Ra's (God's) Black People'
'Most High Emperor'
& The Powerful Worshipful
"Big Black Cock" (Black Phallic worship)

The Black King-High Priest Hammurabi Ruler 
of the Elite Black-Headed
(i.e. Full Black People with no admixtures)
 Peoples  of the world.

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