The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Monday 21 January 2013

Sick Sodomite Sexual Predator Brig. General Jeffrey Sinclair Busy Sodomising & Raping Subordinate Men and Women In Afghanistan - Has He Been Raping Muslim Women Whilst Out On Duty? His Unbecoming, Perverted, Out of Control Behaviour, May Have Endangered The Lives of His Fellow Soldiers. This Disgraceful Man Is a Hardened Criminal.

Shroud of secrecy: Brigadier General Jeffrey A Sinclair has been charged with forcible sodomy of female subordinates and was sent home from Afghanistan to Fort Bragg, North Carolina in May
Mentally Disordered Sodomite U.S. Brig. General 
Jeffrey Sinclair Raped, Committed Forcible Sodomy, 
Forced Junior Officers and Staff to give him Blow Jobs, 
and then bent them over his desk whilst threatening to 
murder his victims. Then his sick wife 'supports' his crimes?!

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