The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Monday 20 August 2012

The Daily Mail is the most racist anti- black newspaper in Britain, Everyone knows that Britain is the Most racist country in the world. Britain convicts another Black person as a criminal - in racist British courts. Let the British make sure that the racist white British judge they choose this time, is one of their shop-bought illegal immigrants, who will cary on selling out Black people forever. Preferably, make the Nigger, either a sellout Nigerian or some small Island piece of sell out trash.

 And make sure that your racist royal family, your racist CPS and racist Attorney general gets the case so we have a paper trail.

There is no justice in any pygmy, British racist courts, or in this white racist cesspit called Britain. Britain is now a threat t international security.

1 comment:

  1. I have read some rubbish in my time, but this is so stupid it is funny. You believe that present day Britain is the "most anti black" racist country in the world. A country where so called "racism" is treated as a crime almost as bad as murder. I know people who are stuck on jail because of "racist" comments made on the Internet. I know that racist murders of white people by non whites are swept under the carpet, while we are made to listen to the same old guff about the murder of Steven Lawrence year in and year out. It's beyond a joke now, and the draconian "race act" is added to year after year.

    So Britain is the most "anti black racist" country on the world, and you want reparations? I suppose you would then leave this place where you have been treated so badly, never to return?


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