The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Saturday, 16 June 2012

No-Nation, Batty-Man - Barack Obama Openly Declares His Intention to Gerrymander the Whole of America, By Flooding the Country with Hispanic and "brown" Criminals and Illegals. Same thing Being Planned by Mentally & Racially Confused, Half-Caste, Homosexual Jew Catamite - Chuka Harrison Unmunna With Racist, Hook-nosed, Labour Party 'Leader' Milliband, in Britain.

Newsweek released their cover early, likely hoping to drum up attention for their next issue and their same-sex marriage coverage
Racist, Half-Caste, Sodomite
Barack Obama
Hates White and Black Americans and Europeans.

First things first - Mr Ugly, Barack Obama is NOT Black - he is half-caste - Fact! He has jumped on  the backs of Black people, to get where he is. This half-caste, gangster, homosexual is a disgrace to humanity.

Barack Hussein Obama - Kenyan - "Born n Bred"

Barack Hussein Obama "Yellow Man"
Jewish-Muslim In His National Costume
I'm Coming Home!

Mentally & Racially confusedhalf-casteNo-Nation, American President -Barack Obama - Has openly declared war on Americas White & Black communities.
Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?
Barack (Baruch) Hussein Obama - Homosexual Gang -
Leader ordered  "Hit" on  Black Homosexual Trinity Church Boyfriend
 Donald young to Prevent Sodomy coming out in the wash.

Two days ago, he casually walked into the White House's 'Rose Garden', and declared that he had taken the executive decision to open up Americas borders, and allow 1 million illegal and criminal hispanic, "yellow" "brown' foreigners to stay and work in America.

What kind of insanity is this? We know Mr Barack Obama loves a 'Skunk' spliff, and any other drugs he can get his hands on, but not even a psychotic episode can justify or explain the long-term rationale of this idiot, desperate move.

Chuka Harrison (The Sodomite Jew) Umunna
Racist British 
'Barack Obama'  Catamite looks "lovingly" into Miliband eyes.

This, African-born, 'No-Nation', non-American foreigner, has taken it upon himself, to Gerrymander the "whole" of America, so that he can guarantee himself a second term in office. He will be depending on these criminals and illegals to vote for him, and has 'pre-rewarded' them, with a free ticket into America.

Barack Hussein Obama's Real birth certificate confirming  his
birth in Kenya Africa on 4th August 1961.

He has declared that he has decided to allow these criminals to roam around America, unchallenged, and free as a bird. Keep these thoughts in mind when you wish to travel, either abroad or domestically. Think about it, when you are cueing for hours and being strip-searched, to get back into your own country, whilst these illegal criminals, casually waltz by, whilst being waved through by their illegal, criminal cousins in the border 'services'.

Its a mad, mad, mad world out there folks!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch - actual Americans are suffering under one of the greatest economic depressions-recessions the world has ever seen, seen the 1930's Great Depression.

 Baruch 'The Boyfriend' Hussein Obama & 'Christian' Sodomite Rev Jeremiah 'Red Man' Wright, Mock the Bible (see the Prophets Baruch & Jeremiah)
 whilst arranging perverted child sex-victim 'dates' and 'Parties' for married Older Black Homosexual freaks! Where were the Wives?!

However, that does NOT concern, the Racist  HOMOSEXUAL, mentally deranged & racially confused half-caste Barack Obama - his main concern is that he stays in 'power' as President of the USA.

Europe  and America are being economically being burnt alive, but hey, all racially confused Barack Obama and his brown and homosexual friends want is a cock to chew on!

The fact that he is  a LIAR,  useless, and a waste of time, who can just about 'give good speech', appears to be an irrelevancy, where his puppet-masters are concerned.

They have made a drastic mistake.

In this case Monkey (Racially confused Obama) see, Monkey (Mentally deranged Obama) can't do economics, government, diplomacy, etc, etc!

Look out for the same stunt being pulled off in Britain.

The Labour party's 'fake', sore-lipped, sodomite, Jewish-Muslim, Manchurian Candidate, Chuka "Girly-boy"Harrison Umumma. 

What do they call this sick mix of confused Homosexuality and Half-caste 'Yellow' & 'browness'?

The  New World Disorder!

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