The Carbon Philter Institute - Building up Torture case for West-Indians in the UK

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Prince William Refers to His Bare-Breasted Wife Kate as Plain "Mrs" Middleton. Does Prince Charles Compare "Waity-Katey" to Dodgy, 'Toe-sucking' Sarah Ferguson, and Already made Plans for William's Divorce after She Becomes Pregnant?

Historic: This is the first time Royals have sued over privacy, and the ruling, pictured, went entirely in the Royal couple's favour
Princes William  & Charles have disassociated the royal family from William's wife Catherine, by referring to William's bare-breasted wife Kate, as plain  "Mrs" Catherine Middleton.  The public have noted that Prince Charles's lawyers have pointedly, demoted Kate, to plain "Mrs Catherine Middleton" and not by her by her 'temporarily' given royal title of the Duchess of CambridgeIs prince Charles comparing "Mrs" Middleton  to disgraced  'toe-sucking'  divorced, dud, Sarah Ferguson, (Fergie), because of the similarities between their nude poses? 
William is referred to as "Mountbatten-Windsor".
Does the document above indicate that prince Charles is already preparing for his son's divorce from low-rent, 'middle class'  "Waity-Katey"? Has prince Charles already devised a plan for Kate post "Heir and Spare" pregnancies?
Now the public are concerned that Prince William has dropped his royal responsibilities by trying to give the impression that he is 'Ordinary'? The mass media are now asking why William is now calling himself plain "Monsieur" (Mr), when everybody knows that he is the grandson of the Queen and a royal prince? The paper above shows the world what the royal family really think about 'Catherine Middleton'.  They are telling the world that a Commoner, will NEVER be accepted by them.
Why would William try to 'upgrade' himself  by pretending that he is a 'real 'Gentlemen'? Why would he deceptively disassociate himself from the troublesome royal House of Windsor and try to fool the public into thinking he is 'one of the lads? If I were "Mrs" Middleton, if I read this legal document, I would immediately start to make plans to jump ship from this odd-ball, and 'ordinary'-hating royal family.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Victim of British State Torture - Too Death!

Victim: Azelle Rodney, 24, was killed during a police 'hard stop' in north London in April 2005
Azelle Rodney - 'Bad Boy' Murdered instantly under British Police's 'Shoot-to-Kill-Black-People', Met Police Policy.

So lets ask, how many Black People have the UK Police & Security Services attempted to murder whilst apply their licence-to-Kill-Black-People?

UK Coalition Government - We're ALL White!

Balancing act: Several senior cabinet members, including Ken Clarke, lost their current jobs today
Racist British Government - Not One Black Person In British Cabinet in September 2012.

Torture, Tyranny and UK Domestic Renditions

Kenyan Mau Maus seek UK damages for torture - 23 Jun 09

Ron Paul Tyranny and Torture of Citizens